The subjective is very real. Reality is not only what exists “out there”, it is also what exists “in here”. This truth explains why human beings differ from one another. And unless we grasp this truth, we will never learn to respect the feelings, beliefs, opinions, and dreams–the individuality of every person. For instance, an object, person, or a scene, evokes a certain emotion in you, while to other people, the same object, person, or scene does not mean anything other than that it is an objective existence. It’s all in your head but as Albus Dumbledore said, “why on earth should it mean that it is not real?” Below is poem about how an otherwise meaningless scene evokes a certain emotion in the speaker in the poem. Please read and tell me what you think about it. I promise, I will respect your opinion because I know that it is as real as mine. Silhouette it was only her shrinking form blocking the faint glimmer of a fluorescent bulb ahea...